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1024 x 576 jpeg 83kB, NIRVANA SUPER YACHT FOR SALE
1200 x 900 jpeg 184kB, Tasman Elite Catamaran For Sale Australian Registered
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Australian model ship society model boat club based , The australian model ship society (amss) formed 1984, perth, western australian, based group marine hobby enthusiasts. members fully operational. The Australian Model Ship Society (AMSS) formed in 1984, is a Perth, Western Australian, based group of marine hobby enthusiasts. Our members have fully operational Windrush yachts, Brett burvill & ryan duffield, sailing windrush designed built edge, crowned formula 18 australian champions 2016. brett & ryan . Brett Burvill & Ryan Duffield, sailing the Windrush designed and built Edge, have been crowned new Formula 18 Australian Champions for 2016. Brett & Ryan had been Ssaa - shorthanded sailing association australia, The ssaa welcomes types yachts, monohulls multihulls, crew. typically, racing fleet includes purpose built single -handed craft. The SSAA welcomes all types of yachts, monohulls and multihulls, and their crew. Typically, the racing fleet includes purpose built single and two-handed craft
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